Tuesday, 20 October 2009

one's life history and things he shouldn't


Alright I have a new IPod which is a classic 160GB third hand so it has loads of scratches on the back but this is not a problem because I don’t really care about that also I have bought a protection thing for it which is good.

List of cons.
1. IPod earphones are very painful.
2. You can’t just get music off them unless you have special software
3. The touch wheel will not respond if you have cold fingers
4. Need new earphones which can drawn out screaming children
5. I need to figure out how to add stuff in on the go lists that I have made from previous days if there is a way.

List of pros.
1. You can listen to all you music will on the go
2. Really cool listening to playlist
3. Makes an otherwise boring journey interesting
4. Has some entertaining games
5. You can listen to music what more could you won’t
6. It has a rechargeable battery meaning you do not need to waste more money on batteries.
7. You can also watch thing like southpark

In summary the iPod is good very good much better than other shitty mp3 player but they could have frocked out a bit more money in making the earphones more comfortable.

Lately I have been very tiered and not bothered with life I just kinda wake and lie there feeling really board and dissatisfied with everything maybe it is just the prospect that I should have done so much more by now or the looming pressure of having to make up my mind on what I won’t to do next year and I am a bit fed up with school because it is like am I really achieving anything I mean yeah there are the odd bits of work which I like doing and which helps me develop but its the constant onslaught of work which I have to do in order to get a grade that really brings stuff down and it is not like I am learning from doing it or I am producing anything that I consider good. I think that I am going to try to do more stuff just for me but it is hard when I have to do so much art homework it’s like 8-10 hours a week that’s a whole day then I am meant to do 5 hours a week of math’s which would rain another day which basically means that I have a two day weekend of doing more work. I am slightly sick of how much our economy forces people to go to uni I mean it used to be commonplace that most people didn’t go to college let alone uni. Man it would be so much better if that was still the case and also a lot more people didn’t go to uni but it didn’t matter because you could get the job you wanted and you would learn what you needed on the job but now like 50% of jobs require a degree or higher.

I met my dad the other day and I haven’t really seen him for about a year and I felt really awkward but then we arranged to see each other the following Tuesday and I have just meet with him it was nice he toke me and my brother to the cinema and we talked a lot but there were still awkward silences and it felt a bit unnatural, but it did remind me of when I was younger and he used to take me to school because we went on the same bus which we used to get on when we were on the way to school.
One is rather hungry so one is going to go before one relates one’s life history and thing he shouldn’t